• 1 августа 2018, среда
  • Пермь

Perm Summer School on Blockchain and Cryptomarkets

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Laboratory of Cryptoeconomics and Blockchain Systems
2241 день назад
с 14:00 1 августа до 14:00 4 августа 2018

Perm Summer School on Blockchain and Cryptomarkets (PSS) is designed as a networking event for young entrepreneurs and professionals, graduate and post graduate students in tech and finance. We pick up picturesque places in Perm region, Russia, as venues of PSS so that the school participants and professors could concentrate on sharing and learning and truly enjoy the company and the nature.


Cryptomarkets Microstructure and Liquidity | Stefan Voigt, Vienna Graduate School of Finance (English) 

Cryprocurrency Trading | Slava Arbuzov, Perm State University (Russian) 

Towards Fair Consensus Algorithms | Mikhail Nikulin, Lykke (Russian)

Zero-Knowledge Proof of Knowledge Transfer | Andrey Klimenko, Teleport (Russian)  

Attention Economy on EOS Blockchain | Andrey Durakov, LetItPlay (Russian) 


Stroganovskoye podvorye, Dmitrievskoye village, Perm krai

LANGUAGES: Russian / English

10 000 roubles or 0.025 BTC;
the fee includes transfer, accomodation, meals

TRANSFER: From Ural hotel (58 Lenina Str., Perm) at 10:00 August 1, 2018

July 20, 2018


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